About sweden.se
This website is an official source for facts about Sweden.
Sweden.se is publicly funded and produced, developed, maintained and operated by the Swedish Institute (SI). SI is a public agency that builds interest and trust in Sweden around the world. We work with Sweden promotion, cooperation in the Baltic Sea region and global development.
This site was built with WordPress, a free and open-source publishing platform, and it was developed in close cooperation with communications agency Futurniture and digital agency Delorean (link in Swedish).
Sweden is also present on Facebook, Instagram, Threads, X (former Twitter), YouTube and Spotify.
The sweden.se team is based at SI. Contact us at [email protected].
SI's activities are governed by an annual government directive (only in Swedish), so-called appropriation directions.
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The Swedish Institute, the organisation behind this website, has a privacy policy that can be found at si.se.
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All Swedish Institute publications are available through Sharing Sweden. For specified purposes you can also contact the nearest Swedish embassy for free copies. Please go to swedenabroad.com for a list of addresses and phone numbers.
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Community standards for social media
We welcome and encourage discussion and debate on the Swedish Institute’s social media accounts, and we ask you to keep conversations serious, inclusive and respectful. So, when you comment on, reply to or share our content, please follow the rules below.
The comment field is moderated, and the following is not permitted:
- Hate speech, threats, harassment or personal attacks. In Sweden hate speech means threatening or insulting a group of people on the basis of gender, transgender identity or expression, ethnicity, religion or other belief, disability or sexual orientation.
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The Swedish Institute reserves the right to remove any content that is not permitted according to the list above, as well as the right to turn off comments sections when deemed necessary. Moderation decisions are also made based on the context in which comments or replies are made. Views on the moderation should be emailed to the relevant editorial staff.
Users who violate any of the above-stated rules may be blocked by the Swedish Institute. If you feel that you have been blocked incorrectly, please contact the relevant editorial staff.
The comments function is provided and monitored according to the Swedish Bulletin Board Systems Act (BBS, link in Swedish). Any individual who posts something that violates applicable Swedish law may be held personally liable.
Please note that anything you publish on our social media accounts is visible to other users. Normally, comments and replies, as well as direct messages, on our accounts constitute official documents in accordance with Sweden’s principle of public access to official documents. This means that they are public documents, that can be accessed by the public.
When you communicate with us through social media, your personal information is processed. Read more about the Swedish Institute’s privacy policy on si.se (pdf).